C Cowboy \(Gregory A. Beamer\) Oct 8, 2006 #2 Interestingly enough, my manager used a few of those on a "rock star" that was sent over and he was lost. The market is so in need of .NET progies here that the definition of "rock star" has been dumbed down. -- Gregory A. Beamer MVP; MCP: +I, SE, SD, DBA http://gregorybeamer.spaces.live.com/ ************************************************* Think Outside the Box! *************************************************
Interestingly enough, my manager used a few of those on a "rock star" that was sent over and he was lost. The market is so in need of .NET progies here that the definition of "rock star" has been dumbed down. -- Gregory A. Beamer MVP; MCP: +I, SE, SD, DBA http://gregorybeamer.spaces.live.com/ ************************************************* Think Outside the Box! *************************************************