


Recently I am unable to access my bank account online and it is because the
site keeps telling me that my computer does not support cookies. It tells me
to adjust my settings to allow cookies to access my account. How do I adjust
the settings?


There's a couple ways to handle this but first we need to know your
operating system (e.g. Win2000, XP, ME) and IE version (e.g. IE6, IE7).


I have Windows XP Professional Version 2002 Service Pack 2. I do not know
how to find the IE version.


Go to add/remove programs (Start-Control Panel-Add or Remove Programs) and
make sure the "Show Updates" box at the top right is checked.

Then scroll through the list and you'll find your version. If it's IE7
you'll find "Windows Internet Explorer 7" in the list. If not, you should
see "Windows Internet Explorer 6" in the list.

Good Luck!

Bruce Chambers

originalxenia said:
I have Windows XP Professional Version 2002 Service Pack 2. I do not know
how to find the IE version.

What happens when you open IE and click Help > About?


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Benjamin Franklin

Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. -Bertrand Russell


Version 6.0

Bruce Chambers said:
What happens when you open IE and click Help > About?


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Benjamin Franklin

Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. -Bertrand Russell


Version 6.0

KB said:
Go to add/remove programs (Start-Control Panel-Add or Remove Programs) and
make sure the "Show Updates" box at the top right is checked.

Then scroll through the list and you'll find your version. If it's IE7
you'll find "Windows Internet Explorer 7" in the list. If not, you should
see "Windows Internet Explorer 6" in the list.

Good Luck!


Open Internet Explorer.

At the top, hit Tools-Internet Options-Privacy (tab) and set the slider to
Medium High (use Medium if Medium High doesn't work).

Try your site again and post back with results.

Good Luck!


I tried what you suggested and it still will not allow me to log in. Each
time I try I keep getting this message. "We have detected that your browser
does not support cookies. Please enable the cookies before you signin and try
again." I never had trouble getting in before but for 2 weeks it has been
like this. Thank you for your patience.


I wouldn't have installed IE7 at this point but since you have, let's take a
different approach, shall we?

Open Internet Explorer.

Tools-Internet Options-Privacy (tab)-Sites (button).

Copy and paste the url for your banking site into the Address of website:
field, then hit the Allow button. Hit ok and close Per Site Privacy
Actions. Then close Internet Options and test.

Report with results.

Good Luck!

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