John K
Hello, After a slew of unwanted 'Messaenger Service' pop-
ups invading my computer I initially tried to 'tighten up'
my Internet security using ZoneAlarm - and changing some
Windows 2000 settings (don't ask me which). I have sinced
learned of the simple way to prevent those messages-
problem is I can no longer access several websites that
depend on the cookies they use (Usernames, passwords, etc.)
I have tried turning off ZoneAlarm, loosening cookie
security TOTALLY - yet I still am being told that I need
to make my browser accept cookies. Suggestions?
tia, John
ups invading my computer I initially tried to 'tighten up'
my Internet security using ZoneAlarm - and changing some
Windows 2000 settings (don't ask me which). I have sinced
learned of the simple way to prevent those messages-
problem is I can no longer access several websites that
depend on the cookies they use (Usernames, passwords, etc.)
I have tried turning off ZoneAlarm, loosening cookie
security TOTALLY - yet I still am being told that I need
to make my browser accept cookies. Suggestions?
tia, John