Cookie problem?


Bob H

Lately web pages have not been loading completely, meaning not all images,
(some but not all) on the pages been appearing, only that little block with
the little red "X" in the corner. Sometimes it is only the ads that are not
appearing. Other attempts to sign into some webpages results in the message
informing me my browser does not accept cookies and I should change my
settings. As a test I dropped my settings to allow all cookies, but I would
still receive the message. This would seem to tell me that it is not my
settings of allowing or disallowing coookies is not the issue, but I really
do not know. Any sugestions?


Carey Frisch [MVP]

Red X image displayed where the applet should be, applets won't run

Free Software - Java Software for the desktop

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect your PC!


| Lately web pages have not been loading completely, meaning not all images,
| (some but not all) on the pages been appearing, only that little block with
| the little red "X" in the corner. Sometimes it is only the ads that are not
| appearing. Other attempts to sign into some webpages results in the message
| informing me my browser does not accept cookies and I should change my
| settings. As a test I dropped my settings to allow all cookies, but I would
| still receive the message. This would seem to tell me that it is not my
| settings of allowing or disallowing coookies is not the issue, but I really
| do not know. Any sugestions?
| Thanks..Bob

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