Jim Gordon MVP
Now it's my turn to ask a question 
Has anyone had success getting ConvertToBuildLevel to work?
The sample below presumes a presentation with a picture object on the active
slide. When I run the code I get an error "object required" for the line
that sets eConv
Any suggestions? I want to add an animation and have only one animation on
the shape object when it's done. PowerPoint help leads me to believe that
ConvertToBuildLevel ought to let me set the animation to the first in the
Sub ResetAnimations()
Dim MySlide As Slide
Dim s As Shape
Dim e1 As Effect
Dim eConv As Effect
Dim effectID As Integer
Let effectID = 4
Set MySlide = ActiveWindow.View.Slide
Set s = MySlide.Shapes(1)
Set e1 = MySlide.TimeLine.MainSequence.AddEffect(s, effectID)
Set eConv =
End Sub
Any suggestions you can offer will be appreciated. Thanks.
Jim Gordon
MVPs are not Microsoft Employees
MVP info

Has anyone had success getting ConvertToBuildLevel to work?
The sample below presumes a presentation with a picture object on the active
slide. When I run the code I get an error "object required" for the line
that sets eConv
Any suggestions? I want to add an animation and have only one animation on
the shape object when it's done. PowerPoint help leads me to believe that
ConvertToBuildLevel ought to let me set the animation to the first in the
Sub ResetAnimations()
Dim MySlide As Slide
Dim s As Shape
Dim e1 As Effect
Dim eConv As Effect
Dim effectID As Integer
Let effectID = 4
Set MySlide = ActiveWindow.View.Slide
Set s = MySlide.Shapes(1)
Set e1 = MySlide.TimeLine.MainSequence.AddEffect(s, effectID)
Set eConv =
End Sub
Any suggestions you can offer will be appreciated. Thanks.
Jim Gordon
MVPs are not Microsoft Employees
MVP info