What do you mean by "first level folders in My documents?"
First-level inside the My Documents folder; eg
"My Documents\Pictures",
"My Documents\test",
"My Documents\Foo\Bar",
"My Documents\baz\blah\test\nah",
I've changed My Documents to C:\Documents.
How exactly did you do this? TweakUI?
I've also got a folder called C:\Settings. I'm gradually getting
application data, email messages, temporary files, etc. to use that
How exactly are you getting them to use it?
So then you've got these?:
C:\Program Files
C:\Documents and Settings
Could I put the THEMES folder inside of C:\Settings? Is it a
"first-level folder?" Would that keep the darn things all in one
place? Thanks!
It depends on whether or not C:\Settings is set up as your "My Documents" folder. Windows keeps track of a single "My Documents"
folder for each user. You can change the specific folder that this variable points to. If your "My Documents" folder points to
C:\Settings, then yes, you can make "C:\Settings\Themes" and put all your .THEME files in there. You cannot however put them in
"C:\Settings\stuff\Themes", "C:\Settings\Themes\Blue", "C:\Settings\Themes\Simpsons", "C:\Settings\Themes\Star Wars", etc.-well
actually you can, but they won't show up in the list.
When you open the Display Properties dialog, the Themes tab is the one that shows first, and thus loads the available themes by
looking for .THEME files. First it looks in C:\Windows\Resources\Themes, then it looks in EVERY SINGLE folder in "My Documents"
(but only in the first level, not subfolders of folders in "My Documents"). Therefore, .THEME files from "My Documents\Pictures",
"My Documents\Music", and so on will also be added to the list.