Oleg Mukhin
The goal is to provide an access to the shared folder in
intranet for VPN user. During the establishing the VPN
connection user enters his credentials in a form
username:USER password
ASSWORD. After the connection is
established the access to LAN shared resourses requires
aditional authentication. For example, trying to perform
the following command: NET USE J: \\WIN1\APPLIC user is
prompted to enter the password. It needs to open Network
Neibourhood, type in address line \\WIN1 and then enter
FQDN name like username:[email protected] password
After that it's possible to perform NET USE command. The
IAS Server is provided with the rule FIND: $ REPLACE:
@domain.com. But it doesn't help. The Event Viewer show
the following information:
User USER was granted access.
FQDN = domain.com/Users/USER.
Where do I make the mistake?
intranet for VPN user. During the establishing the VPN
connection user enters his credentials in a form
username:USER password

established the access to LAN shared resourses requires
aditional authentication. For example, trying to perform
the following command: NET USE J: \\WIN1\APPLIC user is
prompted to enter the password. It needs to open Network
Neibourhood, type in address line \\WIN1 and then enter
FQDN name like username:[email protected] password

After that it's possible to perform NET USE command. The
IAS Server is provided with the rule FIND: $ REPLACE:
@domain.com. But it doesn't help. The Event Viewer show
the following information:
User USER was granted access.
FQDN = domain.com/Users/USER.
Where do I make the mistake?