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does anyone know how to convert powerpoint presentations
into an avi movie file?
into an avi movie file?
Charles Grits Cranford said:Since you only asked for ppt->avi conversion the responses below are
very good...but not knowing the application I can also tell you that
to convert a PPT to a "movie" file can be accomplished a couple of
other ways..."depending on what you're trying to accomplish"
1) Try looking over the TechSmith website (Camtasia Studio)
[www.techsmith.com] - they have a "screen capture" utility that shows
what your screen shows (whether it's a ppt 'show' or a how-to-do-it
2) One of my newest favorites is AgilityPresenter
[www.agilitypresenter.com] which "records" your presentation 'and' a
video shot (bring-yur-own-video-camera, of course) and turns it into a
3-panel presentaion (video-head-shot, slide-presentation,
3) Microsoft Producer (free plug-in for PPT) also is a method for
showing-off your presentation which allows more complex transitions
and features...
So...I hope this isn't a 20-pound response to a good 2-ounce question
(I don't know what that translates to in metrics...sorry)...but I
thought I'd share a litle bit of what was shown-off at PPTLive...
"Andrew V. Romero" <[email protected]> wrote in message(http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/9series/encoder/default.aspx)Here is part of my email from a few days ago. Contact me for more
You can download for free the microsoft media encoder
..This program will allow you to record your computer screen as a WMV
format (windows movie format). There are several settings, the ones I
have played with that seem to work best are for compression use file
download (computer playback) and for video use DVD quality video (2MBPS
CBR or the 1 MBPS CBR setting)- having the 2 pass encoding doesn't work
on my computer, not sure why. From there, press record on the encoder,
then play the powerpoint presentation. It will save it as a WMV file.
Then use TMPEng to conver this to a DVD or super VCD MPEG file. From
there use VCDEasy or whatever you want to make a VCD or DVD.
Charles Grits Cranford said:Since you only asked for ppt->avi conversion the responses below are
very good...but not knowing the application I can also tell you that
to convert a PPT to a "movie" file can be accomplished a couple of
other ways..."depending on what you're trying to accomplish"
1) Try looking over the TechSmith website (Camtasia Studio)
[www.techsmith.com] - they have a "screen capture" utility that shows
what your screen shows (whether it's a ppt 'show' or a how-to-do-it
2) One of my newest favorites is AgilityPresenter
[www.agilitypresenter.com] which "records" your presentation 'and' a
video shot (bring-yur-own-video-camera, of course) and turns it into a
3-panel presentaion (video-head-shot, slide-presentation,
3) Microsoft Producer (free plug-in for PPT) also is a method for
showing-off your presentation which allows more complex transitions
and features...
So...I hope this isn't a 20-pound response to a good 2-ounce question
(I don't know what that translates to in metrics...sorry)...but I
thought I'd share a litle bit of what was shown-off at PPTLive...
"Andrew V. Romero" <[email protected]> wrote in message(http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/9series/encoder/default.aspx)Here is part of my email from a few days ago. Contact me for more
You can download for free the microsoft media encoder
..This program will allow you to record your computer screen as a WMV
format (windows movie format). There are several settings, the ones I
have played with that seem to work best are for compression use file
download (computer playback) and for video use DVD quality video (2MBPS
CBR or the 1 MBPS CBR setting)- having the 2 pass encoding doesn't work
on my computer, not sure why. From there, press record on the encoder,
then play the powerpoint presentation. It will save it as a WMV file.
Then use TMPEng to conver this to a DVD or super VCD MPEG file. From
there use VCDEasy or whatever you want to make a VCD or DVD.