I don't know how much utility you can achieve with this, but I suppose
you could do it with a macro. Select the text and run:
Sub Scratchmacro()
Dim oRng As Word.Range
Dim pText As String
Set oRng = Selection.Range
pText = oRng.Text
oRng.Fields.Add oRng, wdFieldEmpty, pText
End Sub
The following does this after you've selected the text but I don't know that
it is any easier to use than the function keys:
Sub ChangeToField()
' Macro recorded 5/23/2006 by Charles Kyle Kenyon
Selection.Fields.Add _
Range:=Selection.Range, _
Type:=wdFieldEmpty, _
End Sub
Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide) http://addbalance.com/usersguide
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