converting text into numbers



The database that I will be referring to in this querstion was developed to
help track interviews at a local helth care facility. The fields in my table
include: Name, Interview Date, Interview Time, and interview Location, and

I am trying to develop a few queries to pull certain information out this
database. Specifically I am trying to pull out information in NUMBER.
Currently I can only figure out how to pull out the information that is
currently listed in text format. For example: We have had 57 interviews come
into the door this month. All of these inteviews are going to different
areas. How can I develop A query that will give me interviews per location
(in numerical format instead of text). When I go to query how many total
interviews we have had, I am getting names and not numbers. Any and all help
would be greatly appreciated! Thank you soooo much!!!!!

Allen Browne

Use a Totals query:

1. Create a query into this table.

2. Depress the Total button on the toolbar (upper sigma icon.
Access adds a Total row to the grid.

3. Drag Location into the grid.
Accept Group By in the Total row under this field.

4. Drag InterviewDate into the grid.
Choose Where in the Total row, and enter the dates in the Criteria row.

5. Drag Name into the grid.
Choose Counnt in the Total row.

Run the query. It shows the count of names, in the date range, for each

BTW, if you really have a field called "Name", consider renaming it. Almost
all objects in Access have a Name property, and sooner or later this will
become a problem. For example, Form.Name will be interpreted as the Name of
the form instead of the content of the Name field.

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