I'm just trying to convert a small program that was written in VB6 to
I'm stumbling at the first hurdle!
In VB I could do the following (ensuring that the textbox only contained
numeric input of course)...
Dim MyNumber as Double
MyNumber = CDbl(MyNumericTextString.text)
and that would work fine.
Vb.Net won't let me do the above. What do I use instead????
I'm just trying to convert a small program that was written in VB6 to
I'm stumbling at the first hurdle!
In VB I could do the following (ensuring that the textbox only contained
numeric input of course)...
Dim MyNumber as Double
MyNumber = CDbl(MyNumericTextString.text)
and that would work fine.
Vb.Net won't let me do the above. What do I use instead????