converting short to unicode without System.Text.UnicodeEncoding

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hi, how can i convert type Short to Unicode strings? the
System.Text.UnicodeEncoding cant convert it if the length is too
i need to do this manually. how can i do this
Aren't strings in dotnet in unicode by default?

Dim s as short = 5
Dim u as string = CType(s, integer).ToString()

Or am I completely missing the point here?
iwdu15 said:
hi, how can i convert type Short to Unicode strings? the
System.Text.UnicodeEncoding cant convert it if the length is too
i need to do this manually. how can i do this

What do you mean? Values of type Short are numbers - do you just want
their decimal representations? All .NET Strings are Unicode, so you
just need to say

Dim myShort As Short = 5
Dim myString As String = myShort.ToString

Encodings are for translating between bytes and characters.
iwdu15 said:
hi, how can i convert type Short to Unicode strings?

I am not sure what you want to archieve, but maybe 'ChrW(x)' is what you are
looking for. Note that Microsoft unfortunately uses the term Unicode
instead of UTF-16. Strings are stored as UTF-16 in .NET.
thanks, what im trying to o is read in header information from WMA and MP3
files. i did some reading on it and the websites i went to said that the .NET
functions for to Unicode characters needed a length of atleast 256 bytes....