I would like to change the following seek line of code
MyInfo.Index = "ApprovalUpdate": MyInfo.Seek "=",
cboLoanNumber.Column(1), cboLoanNumber, txtInvoice, Me
("lblOption" & ItemCount), Me("lblAmount" & ItemCount),
Into a string I'm not exactly sure how to handle the
Me("lblOption" & ItemCount), Me("lblAmount" & ItemCount),
Null part.
So far, I have the following:
strsql = "SELECT * FROM tblOverAllowableBids WHERE
(((tblOverAllowableBids.ClientNumber)=" _
& "'" & cboLoanNumber.Column(1) & "'" & ") AND " _
& "(InvoiceNumber = " & "'" & txtInvoice & "'" & " And "
_& "(Description = " & "'" & lblOption & ItemCount & "'"
& " And " _
& "(Dollar = " & "'" & lblAmount & ItemCount & "'"
& "))));"
Set MyInfo = MyDB.OpenRecordset(strsql)
1. Does the string that I have do the same thing as the
seek method?
2. Is the syntax correct in my string?
Thanks very much for your help.
I would like to change the following seek line of code
MyInfo.Index = "ApprovalUpdate": MyInfo.Seek "=",
cboLoanNumber.Column(1), cboLoanNumber, txtInvoice, Me
("lblOption" & ItemCount), Me("lblAmount" & ItemCount),
Into a string I'm not exactly sure how to handle the
Me("lblOption" & ItemCount), Me("lblAmount" & ItemCount),
Null part.
So far, I have the following:
strsql = "SELECT * FROM tblOverAllowableBids WHERE
(((tblOverAllowableBids.ClientNumber)=" _
& "'" & cboLoanNumber.Column(1) & "'" & ") AND " _
& "(InvoiceNumber = " & "'" & txtInvoice & "'" & " And "
_& "(Description = " & "'" & lblOption & ItemCount & "'"
& " And " _
& "(Dollar = " & "'" & lblAmount & ItemCount & "'"
& "))));"
Set MyInfo = MyDB.OpenRecordset(strsql)
1. Does the string that I have do the same thing as the
seek method?
2. Is the syntax correct in my string?
Thanks very much for your help.