Hi Jim,
There is no built-in way to do print the results of a search using Windows Explorer.
However, if you have Microsoft Office, and have Outlook's Advanced Find component
installed, you can use it for your search and then print the table list of results by
choosing [Menu bar] File > Print. To start Advanced Find, click the Start button >
Search > Using Microsoft Outlook.
A second option would be to follow the tip in the newsgroup post below to create a
shortcut in your Send To folder with a target of: %comspec% /cecho>>d:\sendto.log.
NOTE: The tip assumes you have a D:\ drive. If you do not, change d:\sendto.log to
c:\sendto.log (or a valid path of your choice). Then, after running your search
right-click each file listed in "Search Results", click Send To, and click the
shortcut you made using Ritchie's tip. Then you will have the results in the
----- Begin Original Message -----
From: "Ritchie" <qiournvdlirhjgiuhdiuh345 AT hotmail DOT com>
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.win2000.cmdprompt.admin
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 12:27 PM
Subject: Re: Pipe arguments from Drag&Drop to a file (Beginner)
Google Link to thread:
http://www.google.com/groups?&[email protected]
No need for a batch file - go to your SendTo folder (%userprofile%\sendto),
and create a new shortcut. Run through the sad wizard and pick anything.
Then right-click the new shortcut, choose properties and change the 'Target'
property to:-
%comspec% /cecho>>d:\sendto.log
You might also want to change the 'Run' property to 'Minimized'.
Now every file or folder you sendto your new shortcut will be added
to d:\sendto.log
Sorry, I can't explain how it works.
----- End Original Message -----
Carrie Garth, Microsoft MVP for Windows 2000
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- c x g
: "Jim VW" <jim.vanwickler AT lmco DOT com>
: Wrote in message : Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 10:38 AM
: After searching for files containing a specific text
: string in Explorer, I would like to save the results of
: that search (the file names) into a txt file. Thanks.