Converting Regular numbers to Roman Numerals


Chris R. Timmons

How do you write regular numbers eg 1 23 475896 in roman
numerals inC#


This sounds like a homework assignment.

You're welcome to post code that you've written and ask for
assistance, but I don't think anyone here is going to write the
entire program for you.


Simon Trew

I have got a class that does this conversion (and the reverse conversion)
which I've posted it here before. (link to Google
Groups) should find you the thread. (I'm guessing any assignment date has
passed now.)

But it is worth pointing out that you can't really convert numbers >= 10,000
into Roman notation. You'd need to use the "bar" notation (a bar above a
numeral multiplies its values by 1000) but that cannot be readily encoded
into a string. (I guess there might be a combining character somewhere in
the Unicode that would serve this purpose, but it might not have a glyph in
many fonts.)


Patrick Blackman

Thanks, this is not for a homework assignment, it was actual for a page
numbering sequence an application I am doing... Again thanks.....

Simon Trew said:
I have got a class that does this conversion (and the reverse conversion)
which I've posted it here before. (link to Google
Groups) should find you the thread. (I'm guessing any assignment date has
passed now.)

But it is worth pointing out that you can't really convert numbers >= 10,000
into Roman notation. You'd need to use the "bar" notation (a bar above a
numeral multiplies its values by 1000) but that cannot be readily encoded
into a string. (I guess there might be a combining character somewhere in
the Unicode that would serve this purpose, but it might not have a glyph in
many fonts.)


Simon Trew

I didn't see the original post.

I have just posted the complete class including reverse formatting, more
error checking, and test harnesses, in another thread on this newsgroup.


Patrick Blackman said:
Thanks, this is not for a homework assignment, it was actual for a page
numbering sequence an application I am doing... Again thanks.....

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