Based on a prior posting, I've written a function to convert a
recordset to a dataview. The first call to the function for a given
recordset works perfectly, but the second call always returns a
dataview with a count = 0. Can someone explain why and how I might
work around this problem?
Here is the code for my function:
Public Shared Function GetViewFromRS(ByVal pRS As ADODB.Recordset) _
As DataView
Dim sAdapter As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim sTable As System.Data.DataTable = New DataTable
sAdapter.Fill(sTable, pRS)
GetViewFromRS = New DataView(sTable)
End Function
I call the function passing a recordset created from a SQL Server
stored procedure with the following properties:
CursorLocation = adUseClient
CursorType = adOpenStatic
LockType = adLockBatchOptimistic
The second call to the function always returns a dataview with a count
= 0. However, I can call the function twice passing different
recordsets and it succeeds, but the second call for each recordset
Here's a function that I use to test this problem:
Public Shared Function RunTwice(ByVal pRS As ADODB.Recordset)
Dim sView1 As DataView = GetViewFromRS(pRS)
MessageBox.Show("First count: " & sView1.Count.ToString)
Dim sView2 As DataView = GetViewFromRS(pRS)
MessageBox.Show("Second count: " & sView2.Count.ToString)
End Function
Interestingly, the problem still occurs when I pass a clone of the
Public Shared Function RunTwiceWithClone(ByVal pRS As ADODB.Recordset)
Dim sView1 As DataView = GetViewFromRS(pRS.Clone)
MessageBox.Show("First count: " & sView1.Count.ToString)
Dim sView2 As DataView = GetViewFromRS(pRS.Clone)
MessageBox.Show("Second count: " & sView2.Count.ToString)
End Function
Kees VanTilburg
VanTilburg Enterprises
recordset to a dataview. The first call to the function for a given
recordset works perfectly, but the second call always returns a
dataview with a count = 0. Can someone explain why and how I might
work around this problem?
Here is the code for my function:
Public Shared Function GetViewFromRS(ByVal pRS As ADODB.Recordset) _
As DataView
Dim sAdapter As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim sTable As System.Data.DataTable = New DataTable
sAdapter.Fill(sTable, pRS)
GetViewFromRS = New DataView(sTable)
End Function
I call the function passing a recordset created from a SQL Server
stored procedure with the following properties:
CursorLocation = adUseClient
CursorType = adOpenStatic
LockType = adLockBatchOptimistic
The second call to the function always returns a dataview with a count
= 0. However, I can call the function twice passing different
recordsets and it succeeds, but the second call for each recordset
Here's a function that I use to test this problem:
Public Shared Function RunTwice(ByVal pRS As ADODB.Recordset)
Dim sView1 As DataView = GetViewFromRS(pRS)
MessageBox.Show("First count: " & sView1.Count.ToString)
Dim sView2 As DataView = GetViewFromRS(pRS)
MessageBox.Show("Second count: " & sView2.Count.ToString)
End Function
Interestingly, the problem still occurs when I pass a clone of the
Public Shared Function RunTwiceWithClone(ByVal pRS As ADODB.Recordset)
Dim sView1 As DataView = GetViewFromRS(pRS.Clone)
MessageBox.Show("First count: " & sView1.Count.ToString)
Dim sView2 As DataView = GetViewFromRS(pRS.Clone)
MessageBox.Show("Second count: " & sView2.Count.ToString)
End Function
Kees VanTilburg
VanTilburg Enterprises