Is there an easy way to convert a PDF file to Word? If I need to
download a program, are there good, safe ones that are free?
Thank you,
Doesn't google accounts have a converter,online, for free?
I have NOT found a single portable one that completely works to
A free one that 'almost' works is PDF2Word.exe, which is less than 1MB.
From memory it converts to .rtf, which is Word compatible. In order to get
it to work with 'new' pdf's I first run pdf through the free online
converter service called PDFOnline [I think] It reliably takes those new
bloated pdf files down into older, and usually smaller size, pdf's THEN
run that through the converter and works fairly decently.
Going the other way, I've had great success with PrimoPDF. Set up as an
extra Printer. No ads, decent conversion from Word to pdf.
Irfanview [great free program] may have the capability now. Mine only
converts to .bmp, but very out of date.