Converting minutes to an hour format

Mar 3, 2010
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I have been helping my manager with a project to help him with his day to day operations and he has asked me to change one of the forms he uses to change the way it displays the information. I normally can find work around to help him, but this time i am stumped.

Here is what I need help with:

He wants to be able to enter the number of minutes it takes do do a job in one cell and wants it to convert it to a hh:mm format. I can use custom formatting to do this the opposite way, but he does not want it to work that way.

he wants to type 124 and get 2:04 as the result in another cell.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Rob Jones
I think this should work (I assume you are using Excel?):

If you have 124 typed in to A1, add the following in to cell A2:

=TIME(0, A1, 0)

This should show you the answer in the time format. You can them use the cell formatting options to change this to display it just as "2:04", rather than with an AM/PM. :)