mono233 said:
hi im [sic] having trouble converting megabytes to bits.
It's too bad that the instructor of your course did not create a
multiple-choice exam:
Q: How many bytes in a megabyte?
A.1: 1000
A.2: 1024
A.3: 1000*1000
A.4: 1000*1024
A.5: 1024*1024
Q: How many bits in a byte?
A.1: 6 (CDC computers, in the 1970s and 1980s, using 60-bit words)
A.2: 7 (ASCII encoding)
A.3: 9 (Digital DEC-20 computers, in the 1970s, using 36-bit words)
A.4: 8 (IBM/360 mainframes)
Q: How many seconds?
A.1: One first, one second, one third; the rest finished out-of-the-money
A.2: 60 seconds
A.3: 3600 seconds
i need to find out the total traffic in/out for an organisation
consisting of 50 people. and 40 Mbytes of usage.
so the start of the calculation is:
50 x 40 = 2000
Q: what is 5 x 4 ?
A.1: 240 (base-8: 5*8 x 4*x => ((2*8+4)*8)+0 => 240 (base-8)
A.2: 14 (base-16: 5 x 4 => (1*16+4) = 14 (base-16)
A.3: all of the above
A.4: none of the above
A.5: the number of years that it will take you to complete your schooling.
i need to find out how many bits are needed each second. (28 800 seconds)
Q: how many seconds do you have?
A: Not enough to complete your course.
Q: An analogue modem can transmit 28800 bits per second.
A.1: true
A.2: false
Thanks for writing.