Converting Mc???? Lastname to VBProper case

  • Thread starter Thread starter Hal Pratt
  • Start date Start date

Hal Pratt

After isolating these records from all others in a separate file, is there
an expression to use to convert ALLCAP "MC?????" and "O????" surnames to the
correct upper and lower case format (i.e., McMiller and OBannon)?
Nothing built into Access, but others have already written functions that
can help. See whether doing a Google search turns up anything.
Back in Access 2.0 I wrote a procedure to do this, then started
getting hatemail from people named Oprah and Mckinnon and for that
matter Deville and DeVille. and De ville

While there are general rules that can be applied, There are so many
exceptions I have found its better to to just let the default scheme
apply and blame it on the ^&$%$# computer. :)>

Invariably it is the Exception people who are touchiest about their