7) From File menu Select Save and save your component.
Hmmmm, not quite. Most likely you are importing either a
QFE INF or a driver INF -- in which case, you must also
set up the file repository for the component prior to
saving out the SLD.
So, step 7 should be broken down to:
7a) Check the files section of the newly created component
(s) -- if any files are specified, then create a release
and debug repository object in your SLD. Otherwise, set
each component to "Release" and save out the SLD (skip the
next steps).
7b) If you created repository objects, then also create a
folder in the same directory as your SLD (to be saved) --
copy all files specified in the files sections of your
component(s) to that folder.
7c) Point each repository object to that folder.
7d) Create a repository set. Add each repository object
to that set (do this through Group Memberships for each
repository object).
7e) Select each component created by the INF import and
select the repository set as the repository (NOTE: this
step is necessary only for components that add files).
7f) Create a package object.
7g) Add each component to the package (do this through
Group Memberships for each component object).
7h) Set each component to "Release" and save out the SLD!
Hope this helps.