There's a calculation for making this conversion at that seems to work for
julian dates like 2430705 (Dec 11, 1942). The JD you provide though (100033)
doesn't sync with the computation though, but I'm assuming there's some
factor missing you may be able to figure out.
Something like this:
private DateTime JulianToDateTime(double julianDate)
DateTime date;
double Z, W, X, A, B, C, D, E, F;
int day, month, year;
Z = Math.Floor(julianDate + 0.5);
W = Math.Floor((Z - 1867216.25) / 36524.25);
X = Math.Floor(W / 4);
A = Z + 1 + W - X;
B = A + 1524;
C = Math.Floor((B - 122.1) / 365.25);
D = Math.Floor(365.25 * C);
E = Math.Floor((B - D) / 30.6001);
F = Math.Floor(30.6001 * E);
day = Convert.ToInt32(B - D - F);
if (E > 13)
month = Convert.ToInt32(E - 13);
month = Convert.ToInt32(E - 1);
if ((month == 1) || (month == 2))
year = Convert.ToInt32(C - 4715);
year = Convert.ToInt32(C - 4716);
date = new DateTime(year, month, day);
return date;
catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex)
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Julian date could not be
converted:\n" + ex.Message, "Conversion Error",
date = new DateTime(0);
catch (Exception ex)
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Error converting Julian date:\n" +
ex.Message, "Conversion Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK,
date = new DateTime(0);
return date;
-- Nick