Converting decimals into hh:mm



Hi, can someone please help.

I have employees data regarding hours worked in a decimal format but
need to convert this to show hh:mm. So that 3.5 becomes 3:30.
I have tried dividing the original decimal by 24 and reformatting but
this only works for figures up to 24. How would I be able to say covert
103.25 hours into 103:15.
Is there a way of doing this?

Many thanks, Andrew



thanks avri but i dont seem to have the choice for that format.
I can convert it to (h) mm:ss but ideally do not want to have second

The trouble i am having is regarding adding hours up in the firs
place. I have columns of hours worked each day and sum this for th
weekly total. However using an hh:mm format does not allow me to sum i
up properly. For instance 9:10+9:10+9:10+9:10 equals 12:40.
Therefore i convert the hours worked into a decimal so they can b
summed and then need to convert them back into a total weekly hour
worked later in the hh:mm original format!!!!

I hope this makes sense and many thanks for your help

Arvi Laanemets


Simply select Custom format, and enter the format string into Type field.

Arvi Laanemets

Arvi Laanemets

Hi again

Shandy720 said:
thanks avri but i dont seem to have the choice for that format.
I can convert it to (h) mm:ss but ideally do not want to have seconds

The trouble i am having is regarding adding hours up in the first
place. I have columns of hours worked each day and sum this for the
weekly total. However using an hh:mm format does not allow me to sum it
up properly. For instance 9:10+9:10+9:10+9:10 equals 12:40.

Format the cell with sum as "[h]:mm" , and same result is displayed as
36:40. To understand why, format same cell as "d h:mm" - now 1 12:40 is

The reason for such behaviour is the way dates and times are stored in
Excel. Format the same cell with sum as Numeric or General - 1.5277778 id
displayed. Integer part of this number is for days (time intervals 24 hours
long), decimal part is for hours, minutes and seconds, and is calculated as
1/24 of hour. I.e. 12 hours and 40 minutes is stored as

Using square bracets around leftmost part of time format string supresses
24-hour or 60-minute or 60-second rollower. I.e formats "[h]", "[h]:mm:ss",
"[m]:ss" etc. are supported.

Arvi Laanemets

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