Converting decimal to another decimal with a different culture

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jan tde Witt
  • Start date Start date

Jan tde Witt


I have a webform which has the culture set to NL-nl so the decimals have the
comma as the decimalseperator.. However, my database is using the US-en
culture so I need to convert the NL-nl decimal to a new decimal with the
EN-us culture (so it will have the period as a decimalseperator).

How can I do this?

I have a webform which has the culture set to NL-nl so the decimals have
the comma as the decimalseperator.. However, my database is using the
US-en culture so I need to convert the NL-nl decimal to a new decimal with
the EN-us culture (so it will have the period as a decimalseperator).

How can I do this?

If in your code you're handling this value as a decimal data type then it
doesn't matter. Numbers are numbers are numbers. The thousands separator and
decimal point are for DISPLAY only; they have no bearing on how the number
I have a webform which has the culture set to NL-nl so the decimals have
the comma as the decimalseperator.. However, my database is using the
US-en culture so I need to convert the NL-nl decimal to a new decimal with
the EN-us culture (so it will have the period as a decimalseperator).

How can I do this?

By the way, what does this question have to do with WINDOWS forms?