Converting date formats



Hello All - I have a document that has a column of dates all formatted
yyyymmdd. I need to convert these to the US standard mmddyyyy format. Can
anyone please tell me an easy way to do this in Excel 2003? All help is much
appreciated, thanks!


High all the cells to which you wish this to apply. Go to Format, go to
Cell, go to the Number tab, go down to Date, on the right scroll to the
format you'd like and highlight/click it. If none of those meet your need,


Thanks for the response, but I seem to be doing something wrong and I'm not
sure what.

As an example of my data, I have a cell that contains today's date as
20060214, and I would like to convert it to 02142006. I tried entering a
custom format of mmddyyyy and my cell converted to #######. I tried using
some of the preset choices for Date and got the same result. Not sure where
I'm going wrong here...

Again, thanks for all of the help!

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