converting c# to COM



I have to create a COM dll from c# to use within old code. Every time I build
I get a new guid. I have tried to use the [Guid(...)] phrase before a class
or interface, but the compiler won't build due to the following messages:

Syntax error, ']' expected (shown after "[Guid" and before "("
A namespace does not directly contain members such as fields or methods
Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected

My code looks like:

using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace EvalAndReview
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for SpectCharts.
/// </summary>
// interface
public interface IDataReviewCharts
void ClearChart (int chart);
void SetRawSpectrumPointlist (int curve, int size);
void SetBGSubSpectrumPointlist (int curve, int size);
void SetLibSpectrumPointlist (int curve, int size);
void LoadRawSpectrumPoint (double x, double y);
void LoadBGSubSpectrumPoint (double x, double y);
void LoadLibSpectrumPoint (double x, double y);
public class DataReviewCharts : System.Windows.Forms.Form

Any help in getting this to build will be greatly appreciated.


Jon Shemitz

woodworker said:



The [] attribute syntax is a sort of shorthand for

new GuidAttribute("1D99B653-4AD4-41c6-9D0F-46C366FB43A6");

Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]


Not to bust chops, but it's not shorthand for "new <attribute type>",
just for the name of the type. You can't do this, for example:

new GuidAttribute("1D99B653-4AD4-41c6-9D0F-46C366FB43A6");
public class MyClass

It won't compile.

- Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]
- (e-mail address removed)

Jon Shemitz said:
woodworker said:



The [] attribute syntax is a sort of shorthand for

new GuidAttribute("1D99B653-4AD4-41c6-9D0F-46C366FB43A6");

Jon Shemitz

Nicholas Paldino said:
The [] attribute syntax is a sort of shorthand for

new GuidAttribute("1D99B653-4AD4-41c6-9D0F-46C366FB43A6");
Not to bust chops, but it's not shorthand for "new <attribute type>",
just for the name of the type. You can't do this, for example:

new GuidAttribute("1D99B653-4AD4-41c6-9D0F-46C366FB43A6");
public class MyClass

I know, that's why I said "sort of" - I was just trying to make it a
little clearer why the [Guid{"1D99B653-4AD4-41c6-9D0F-46C366FB43A6"}]
syntax didn't work.

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