Converting ASP 1.1 to 2.0

  • Thread starter Thread starter Karim mohamed
  • Start date Start date

Karim mohamed


When I try to convert a web project from ASP 1.1 to 2.0 throught the Visual
Studio 2005 , the conversion is complete with some errors, when i run the
project after conversion , I find that the events are not triggered at all
as if the objects don't see their events at all , intellisense is disabled
to all the old events, when I add new Object it works , but the converted
ones don't work, I've done a work around to solve this problem by creating a
new pages and copy the code to it and it works just fine , but it doesn't
make sense to me , so is there is anyone who have an explanation or solution
for this issue?


Karim Mohamed
This is fairly common, depending on how you created your sites in 1.x.

In most cases, in 1.1, you wired control events using delegates (VB.NET
Handles statements). In 2.0, by default, the event handler is specified in
the tag itself. If you used the delegate/event method in 1.1, the wires are
now gone. In VB.NET, re-adding Handles statements solves this. IN C#, you
can re-wire the delegate statements. Or, with either, you can insert the
event into the tag.

Gregory A. Beamer

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