I am reading from my serial port a 24 bit hex number which consists of
6 place values.
For example:
7FED6F which equals 8383855 using the hex2dec excel function.
I need to convert this hex into a value I can display in a textbox and
also do other math functions with.
I looked at the example of i = Convert.ToUInt32(buffer1,16) but my
number is 1 24 bit number, not 16. How can I convert into a useable 24
bit number?
6 place values.
For example:
7FED6F which equals 8383855 using the hex2dec excel function.
I need to convert this hex into a value I can display in a textbox and
also do other math functions with.
I looked at the example of i = Convert.ToUInt32(buffer1,16) but my
number is 1 24 bit number, not 16. How can I convert into a useable 24
bit number?