Converting 1.1 webapp to v2

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We've finally got around to getting VS2005 for our development team and will
be slowly, but surely upgrading all our in house projects accross.

However -we have fallen at the first project!

when converting a V1.1 web app to V2 - when compiling we get the following

Error 1 The type 'ProductDB.Global' is ambiguous: it could come from
or from assembly 'C:\Temp\admingui\5f2af3cc\f03cc022\App_Code.jgiqizcm.DLL'.
Please specify the assembly explicitly in the type name.

I have searched the web and the only replies I can see are "Delete your bin
folder contents" or "Delete the temporary files folder"

none of which worked for me..

Is there a fix / workaround / article for this that I'm missing?


Phil Yardley
The normal cause is when source is converted over to the App_Code folder and
there are other libraries that contain the same class in the /bin folder,
which is the reason for the delete. The ASP.NET temporary files directory is
another source of potential errors. Try deleting the actual source file in
question and see if it gets past this issue (back it up first, as you will
likely want to use it). If it does, find the calling source and "go to
definition". You cna then trace the library which contains the file and get
rid of the ambiguity.

Gregory A. Beamer

Think outside of the box!
Hello Phil,

I agree with Gregory. From the error message you provided, it indicates the
class(ProductDB.Global) of global.asax component of your ASP.NET
application can be found in two assemblies (both in the runtime assembly
searching path), therefore, class loader can not determine which one to
load. And currently it tell us the global.asax class can be found in the
following assemblies:

** DRL.ProductDB.DLL in the private bin dir

** C:\Temp\admingui\5f2af3cc\f03cc022\App_Code.jgiqizcm.DLL -- this is the
dynamic generated assembly from the classes in App_Code(2.0 specific)

So I think you can check the following things to locate the two duplicated

1. In your converted ASP.NET 2.0 application, lookup the App_Code directory
and verify that whether the new global.asax code-behind class is in it

2. As for the "DRL.ProductDB.DLL", is it the original main assembly of the
vs 2003/v1.1 application? If so, you can check your V1.1 application to see
whether the global.asax's code-behind class is compiled into this assemby.
Another means to verify this is directly use ildasm or reflector tool
to insepect teh "DRL.ProductDB.DLL" assembly to see whether the global.asax
code-behind class(ProductDB.Global) is in it:

#Ildasm.exe Tutorial

#Reflector for .NET

After you confirmed that there are duplicated ProductDB.Global class in the
above two places, you need to decide which one to use:

1) If you want to use the new codebehind class in App_code folder, you need
to recompile the DRL.ProductDB.DLL(in vs 2003/v1.1) project so as to make
it not contain the ProductDB.Global class.

2) If you want to continue use the global class in DRL.ProductDB.DLL but
discard the one in App_Code, you need to delete the global class's source
file in App_Code directory.

Please feel free to post here if you have anything unclear or any other
information you wonder,


Steven Cheng

Microsoft MSDN Online Support Lead


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Hi Phil,

How are you doing on this issue, have you got any further progress, if
there is still anything we can help, please feel free to post here.


Steven Cheng

Microsoft MSDN Online Support Lead

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Hi Steve / Gregory.

Your solutions fixed the problem :)

Thanks for your help..

Just need to make changes to the Enterprise blocks and we should be up and

Thanks again
