Some of them are difficult to find if you start from scratch. You can find
the options for StrConv by opening VBE Alt + F11 and typing that term in the
VBA help search box. Then select it from the topic listing when it shows.
Or you can do it like Ryan suggests and select it with the mouse, then press
F1 key.
I spent many hours searching the help files when I first began to write
code. I was not aware that the news group existed back then, but it was a
good learning process, because I found many things that I later used, plus
it gave me a broader view of what VBA could do. I am still learning and
find that I have only scratched the surface of VBA capabilities, although I
have written some pretty complex code before. The main thing is to have a
good understanding of the conventions used by the designers of VBA. If you
can get into their heads a little bit, it will help you to find methods and
tools in the VBA help files.