Convert to quote

  • Thread starter Thread starter John
  • Start date Start date


What are the requirements to Convert an Opportunity to a Quote?

For some reason, I cannot convert some opportunities to quotes. Most I
can. But some I cannot, and the reason is eluding me.

I thought that maybe the close data had passed, and thus a quote cannot
be created. I changed the close date, but still not option to Convert
to Quote?

Does anyone have advice?


Are you using BCM with SBA? I could be wrong but I don't believe that BCM
"supports" what you are trying to do ... yet. Wait around about a decade
until we get to about version 10 and they may just about have available by
then a workable, basic CRM app for small business use to use in the real

Hi John,
Have you setup the connection between BCM and SBA?
To create a quote, sales order or invoice from an opportunity record this
would need to be enabled. Business tools menu / accounting tools / setup
connection to accounting.
More info in BCM help files.

Chris Schatte
Make sure the account is linked to a real customer in SBA. Other than
that one requirement, there should be nothing else preventing this from