Brian Henry
public class NntpException : System.ApplicationException
public NntpException(string str)
I know it starts out like
puublic class NntpException
inherits System.ApplicationException
public [sub or function] NntpException(byval str as string)
// not sure what to do with : base(str) here... i thought this was
another inherits statement which you cant do in vb like this i think
end sub
end class
what needs changed? thanks
public NntpException(string str)
I know it starts out like
puublic class NntpException
inherits System.ApplicationException
public [sub or function] NntpException(byval str as string)
// not sure what to do with : base(str) here... i thought this was
another inherits statement which you cant do in vb like this i think
end sub
end class
what needs changed? thanks