I am dealing with a database that uses a field of datatype text. The field
is being used to collect numeric data now... obviously not what it was
originally intended for. And now I need to create some queries that do math
on this field. Sum() for example. How should I deal with this?
I know vba has easily used conversion functions like Cint(), int() or
something similiar but what about jet SQL? Can I do this directly from my
query? the only thing I could find in the jet sql reference help section was
a CONVERT statement but I could not find the syntax, and I think that it is
intended for ODBC connections only?
is being used to collect numeric data now... obviously not what it was
originally intended for. And now I need to create some queries that do math
on this field. Sum() for example. How should I deal with this?
I know vba has easily used conversion functions like Cint(), int() or
something similiar but what about jet SQL? Can I do this directly from my
query? the only thing I could find in the jet sql reference help section was
a CONVERT statement but I could not find the syntax, and I think that it is
intended for ODBC connections only?