How can I convert ss# text to a number or vice versa?? My ss# text has dashes.
What do you mean by vice versa? Your SS# already has the dashes!
Do you wish to change a text string 123-45-6789 to 123456789 as a
Number datatype or retain it as a Text datatype?
To convert it to a Number Datatype (Long Integer),
first add a Number datatype field to your table, then:
Update YourTable Set YourTable.[NumberDatatypeFieldName] =
CLng(Left([SS#],3) & Mid([SS#],5,2) & Right([SS#],4));
To maintain it as a Text datatype in the [SS#] field:
Update YourTable Set YourTable.[SS#] = Left([SS#],3) & Mid([SS#],5,2)
& Right([SS#],4);