Convert .mov to .wmv

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nancy
  • Start date Start date



I have a 23K+ .mov file that I want to stream on a website
as a .wmv file. Can this be converted and if so what
software to I need to convet?

Thanks, Nancy
Doa google search for ".mov to .wmv" and you should find free software to
do it.
I know you will think this is a simple squestion. I need an WMV to
MOV video file converter. Surprisingly, the only thing I can find
that works well is Adobe Premier. But, the trial will run out in 20
days, and it is too expensive to purchase just for that feature.

Can someone suggest a lower cost and straightforward solution to
converting WMV to MOV; i.e., WMV to Quicktime video file conversion?
All the searches on Google, etc. do not produce any usable results
other than Adobe Premier.

(e-mail address removed)

My reason for this is that I need to make a video streaming file that
will work for almost anyone with a PC or a MAC, especially novie
users. The lowest common denominator is Quicktime Streaming. Almost
all PC's and MAC's come equipped standard with this. Thanks!
The problem with all this converting is that something has to suffer and you
are already dealing with a compressed file at that. I'm not sure if it can
be maybe have a look at quicktime pro? It's not too expensive, gives good
results, but I've never looked to see if it can do wmv>mov

Thanks for your suggestion. I tried this before I made the post with
no luck. Everything points to Adobe Premier as a solution. Actually,
I was searching for ".WMV to .MOV" Your message says "mov to wmv",
which is easy. But wmv to mov is much more difficult to find. I
thought it would be simple, but for some reason it is not.

Graham or anyone else, please let me know if you find a link to low
cost or free software that will convert .wmv to .mov (.wmv to
quicktime) format. I don't mind paying for a utility, but I can't
justify the price of Adobe Premier just to do this conversion.

Any help is appreciated!

(e-mail address removed)
Sorry Alan,
The header looked the same, did'nt see you had changed it round :( I'll
have a look and see through the audio tools I use later and let you know if
I can find anything.

Thanks for looking. I have Quicktime Pro. It does not convert WMV to
Interestingly, Screenblast from Sony (formally owned by Sonic
Foundry)works but does not do as good a job as Adobe Premier. My
Adobe Premier trial expires in 20 days. Let me know if you find out

Thanks for your help!

Pittsburgh, PA
(e-mail address removed)