I have download the Enterprise Sample(Microsoft .Net Pet Shop 3.0, which
source code is written in CSharp) from the web, and try to convert it into
VB.Net code.
I have done with the 'IDAL' and 'Model' projects, and now is working on
'DALFactory' project. I have add a 'IDAL' reference in the 'DALFactory'
project. But, when I write the 'Public Shared Function Create() As
I get the error msg "Type 'PetShop.IDAL.IAccount' is not defined."
Why is this happen?
Following is my Account.vb code in project 'DALFactory'
Imports System
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Configuration
Namespace PetShop.DALFactory
' <summary>
' Factory implementaion for the Account DAL object
' </summary>
Public Class Account
Public Shared Function Create() As PetShop.IDAL.IAccount
'/ Look up the DAL implementation we should be using
Dim path As String =
Dim className As String = path + ".Account"
' Using the evidence given in the config file load the
appropriate assembly and class
End Function
End Class
End Namespace
source code is written in CSharp) from the web, and try to convert it into
VB.Net code.
I have done with the 'IDAL' and 'Model' projects, and now is working on
'DALFactory' project. I have add a 'IDAL' reference in the 'DALFactory'
project. But, when I write the 'Public Shared Function Create() As
I get the error msg "Type 'PetShop.IDAL.IAccount' is not defined."
Why is this happen?
Following is my Account.vb code in project 'DALFactory'
Imports System
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Configuration
Namespace PetShop.DALFactory
' <summary>
' Factory implementaion for the Account DAL object
' </summary>
Public Class Account
Public Shared Function Create() As PetShop.IDAL.IAccount
'/ Look up the DAL implementation we should be using
Dim path As String =
Dim className As String = path + ".Account"
' Using the evidence given in the config file load the
appropriate assembly and class
End Function
End Class
End Namespace