I have a 26 digit census block key as an identifier that is currently
formatted as a text field.
SELECT Company.[CompanyID], Company.[customer_number], Company.[CompanyName], Company.[Address], Company.[City], Company.[County], Company.[StateOrProvince], Company.[PostalCode], Company.[Employeename], Company.[Employeename2], Company.[Employeename3], Company.[Branch], Company.[WebSite], Company..[SalesstageID], Company.[ContactName], Company.[Firstname], Company.[Title], Company.[WorkPhone], Company.[WorkExtension], Company.[HomePhone], Company.[MobilePhone], Company.[FaxNumber], Company.[EmailName], Company.[Firstcontactdate], Company.[siccode], Company.[lastupdate], Company.[ReferredBy],Company.[Notes], Company.[ContactsInterests], Company.[BuyersmodeID], Company.[ContactrankID], Company.[DeleteCompany], Company.[Currentcustomer], Company.[CustomField2], Company.[CustomField3], Company.[CustomField4], Company.[CustomField5], Company.[CustomField6], Company.[CustomField7], Company.[CustomField8], Company.[CustomField9], Company.[CustomField10], Company.[CustomField11], Company.[CustomField12], Company.[C
ustomField13], Company.[CustomField14], Company.[preparedby], Company.
[proposedear], Company.[proposecontact], Company.[CreateDate], Company.
[UniqueID], Company.[EmployeeSize], Company.[EmployeeName4], Company.
[EmployeeName5], Company.[EmployeeName6], Company.[EmployeeName7],
Company.[EmployeeName8], Company.[EmployeeName9], Company.
[EmployeeName10], Company.[AddressName], Company.[Salutation] FROM
Company WHERE Company.CompanyName Like '*' AND ((1=1) AND (IIf(InStr
([company].[postalcode]," "),Left([company].[postalcode],InStr
([company].[postalcode]," ")-1),[company].[postalcode]) IN
AND ((company.employeename is null) or (company.employeename = "")))
OR ((company.employeename IN ("Doug Bert")) OR (company.employeename2
IN ("Doug Bert")) OR (company.employeename3 IN ("Doug Bert")) OR
(company.employeename4 IN ("Doug Bert")) OR (company.employeename5 IN
("Doug Bert")) OR (company.employeename6 IN ("Doug Bert")) OR
employeename7 IN ("Doug Bert")) OR (company.employeename8 IN ("Doug
Bert")) OR (company.employeename9 IN ("Doug Bert")) OR
(company.employeename10 IN ("Doug Bert"))))) ORDER BY
Company.CompanyName ASC
I would like to change it to a number field. Initially if I do that it wants
to write it on in scientific notation. However if I change to double fixed
with no decimal points I get the entire number however it is changing many of
the numbers to zeros.
Also this is a tremendously large data set (446,832 records) which is
causing some computer processing issues. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Use a Decimal data type, set the Precision property to 26, the Decimal
Places property to 0 and the Format property to Fixed.
Keven Denen