CONVERT Hours:Minutes to Minutes

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jane
  • Start date Start date


I am working with elapsed time. Col A holds admission
date/time, Col B holds discharge date/time, and Col C
holds formula to calculate elapsed time, in hours and
mintues. I would like to convert Col C to minutes,
i.e. 6:28(hr:mm) to 388 (minutes). Is this possible? I
tried CONVERT, maybe there is another way . Thanks, Jane.
Even simpler would be


format as general where A1 holds 6:28



Peo Sjoblom

Paul Corrado said:
Not sure which of these solutions you are looking for

To show minutes elapsed use Format/Cell Custom and enter [mm]:ss (This will
leave the value as a partial day or in your case of 338 minutes 0.2694444)

To convert to minutes

=HOUR("endtime"-"starttime")*60+MINUTE("endtime"-"starttime") (This will
convert the value to 338)



Jane said:
I am working with elapsed time. Col A holds admission
date/time, Col B holds discharge date/time, and Col C
holds formula to calculate elapsed time, in hours and
mintues. I would like to convert Col C to minutes,
i.e. 6:28(hr:mm) to 388 (minutes). Is this possible? I
tried CONVERT, maybe there is another way . Thanks, Jane.
Thanks Peo - Works great!!
-----Original Message-----
Even simpler would be


format as general where A1 holds 6:28



Peo Sjoblom

Not sure which of these solutions you are looking for

To show minutes elapsed use Format/Cell Custom and
enter [mm]:ss (This
leave the value as a partial day or in your case of 338 minutes 0.2694444)

To convert to minutes

=HOUR("endtime"-"starttime")*60+MINUTE("endtime"- "starttime") (This will
convert the value to 338)



