i must convert all of these eVC++ prototypes to use with VB.NET....
DLLEXPORT long F_BDO_MessageBoxOK(char *IN_title, char *IN_msg );
DLLEXPORT long F_BDO_MessageBoxOUINON(char *IN_title, char *IN_msg );
DLLEXPORT long F_BDO_CalculAXplusB(short int *IN_Tab_entree ,int IN_taille
double *OUT_Tab_sortie_freq ,
double *OUT_Tab_sortie, double IN_A,
double IN_B, double IN_Te, double OUT_Elt_max[2],
double OUT_Elt_min[2] );
DLLEXPORT long F_BDO_determine_A_et_B(int IN_Point1[2] ,int IN_Point2[2] ,
double *OUT_A, double *OUT_B );
DLLEXPORT long F_BDO_trouve_maximum(short int *IN_Tab_entree ,int IN_taille
short int IN_seuil, double IN_A,
double IN_B, int *OUT_n_max,
double *OUT_y_max );
DLLEXPORT long F_BDO_trouve_max_et_min(double *IN_Tab_entree ,int IN_taille
double *OUT_max, double *OUT_min);
DLLEXPORT long F_BDO_conv_lineaire_dbl(double *IN_Tab_entree,int IN_taille,
double *OUT_Tab_sortie);
DLLEXPORT long F_BDO_conv_dbl_dba(double *IN_Tab_entree,int IN_taille,
double *OUT_Tab_sortie);
DLLEXPORT long F_BDO_conv_dbl_dba_bf(double *IN_Tab_entree,double
int IN_taille,double *OUT_Tab_sortie);
DLLEXPORT long F_BDO_trouver_indice_harmonique_roue(double
*IN_Tab_entree,double *IN_Tab_freq,
int IN_taille,double freq_theorique,
double seuil_freq,double seuil_ampl,
unsigned short int *OUT_Tab_ind_harmonique);
DLLEXPORT char F_BDO_init(void);
DLLEXPORT void F_BDO_close(void);
DLLEXPORT char F_BDO_start(void);
DLLEXPORT char F_BDO_stop(void);
DLLEXPORT char F_BDO_getSample(char *pBuf,long *cbDone);
what rules i can apply to correctly convert datas type parameters ?
thank a lot ...
i must convert all of these eVC++ prototypes to use with VB.NET....
DLLEXPORT long F_BDO_MessageBoxOK(char *IN_title, char *IN_msg );
DLLEXPORT long F_BDO_MessageBoxOUINON(char *IN_title, char *IN_msg );
DLLEXPORT long F_BDO_CalculAXplusB(short int *IN_Tab_entree ,int IN_taille
double *OUT_Tab_sortie_freq ,
double *OUT_Tab_sortie, double IN_A,
double IN_B, double IN_Te, double OUT_Elt_max[2],
double OUT_Elt_min[2] );
DLLEXPORT long F_BDO_determine_A_et_B(int IN_Point1[2] ,int IN_Point2[2] ,
double *OUT_A, double *OUT_B );
DLLEXPORT long F_BDO_trouve_maximum(short int *IN_Tab_entree ,int IN_taille
short int IN_seuil, double IN_A,
double IN_B, int *OUT_n_max,
double *OUT_y_max );
DLLEXPORT long F_BDO_trouve_max_et_min(double *IN_Tab_entree ,int IN_taille
double *OUT_max, double *OUT_min);
DLLEXPORT long F_BDO_conv_lineaire_dbl(double *IN_Tab_entree,int IN_taille,
double *OUT_Tab_sortie);
DLLEXPORT long F_BDO_conv_dbl_dba(double *IN_Tab_entree,int IN_taille,
double *OUT_Tab_sortie);
DLLEXPORT long F_BDO_conv_dbl_dba_bf(double *IN_Tab_entree,double
int IN_taille,double *OUT_Tab_sortie);
DLLEXPORT long F_BDO_trouver_indice_harmonique_roue(double
*IN_Tab_entree,double *IN_Tab_freq,
int IN_taille,double freq_theorique,
double seuil_freq,double seuil_ampl,
unsigned short int *OUT_Tab_ind_harmonique);
DLLEXPORT char F_BDO_init(void);
DLLEXPORT void F_BDO_close(void);
DLLEXPORT char F_BDO_start(void);
DLLEXPORT char F_BDO_stop(void);
DLLEXPORT char F_BDO_getSample(char *pBuf,long *cbDone);
what rules i can apply to correctly convert datas type parameters ?
thank a lot ...