An AutoIt script to convert Word to RTF in batches was not so hard.
Here it is, hope it helps.
; ==============================================
; AutoIt script to convert Microsoft Word documents to
; rich text format using WordPad. Each RTF file is stored
; in the same directory as its originating MS Word document,
; and has the same file name with a RTF extension.
; The list of Word document names is acquired from the
; clipboard - preferably fully qualified.
; In the interests of brevity for posting to the NG, this
; script performs no error checking - eg. if RTF file
; already exists. It also assumes that Word documents have
; a file extension of ".DOC". Anyone wishing to make serious
; use of this script is advised to add some minimal error
; processing.
; I have carried out a reasonable level of testing but
; cannot be held responsible for any adverse consequences
; arising from use of this script. Use at your own risk.
; Oh yes, one more caveat. I built and tested this under
; Windows 2000 Professional. I am unable to say how or
; whether it will perform under other flavours of Windows.
; Adrian Carter
; Sept 18, 2003
; ==============================================
; Look for window title text anywhere in string
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
; Capture list of Word doc names from clipboard;
; Start WordPad & wait for it to start
Run, "C:\\Program Files\\Windows NT\\Accessories\\WordPad.exe"
WinWaitActive, - WordPad
; Extract next Word document
StringLen, L, TheDocs
IfEqual, L, 0, GoTo, ExitPoint
StringGetPos, P, TheDocs,\n
IfEqual, ErrorLevel, 1, GoTo, LastOne
SetEnv, RemLen, %L%
EnvSub, RemLen, 1
EnvSub, RemLen, %P%
EnvSub, P, 1
StringLeft, NextDoc, TheDocs, %P%
StringRight, Remainder, TheDocs, %RemLen%
StringReplace, NextRTF, NextDoc,.doc,.rtf
SetEnv, TheDocs, %Remainder%
; Up to here, we were just building filenames.
; Now we get WordPad to open the doc and save the rtf
GoSub, Convert
GoTo, Start
; Set doc & rtf names
SetEnv, NextDoc, %TheDocs%
StringReplace, NextRTF, NextDoc,.doc,.rtf
; Execute conversion
GoSub, Convert
GoTo, ExitPoint
; Shortcut to File|Open
; Type name of Word doc
; Press ENTER key
; Shortcut to File|SaveAs
; Type name of RTF file
; Press ENTER key
; Close WordPad
; ==============================================