Convert demicals to fraction

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In ac2003 I have a field in a report that diplays 23.5625 and I need to convert it to read 23 9/16 how do you convert from numbers to a text.
Access MVP Arvin Meyer created the FractionIT() function to do just that.
The code is below; simply copy it into a public module and call it from your
query or in a report.

Public Function FractionIt(dblNumIn As Double) As String
' Name: FractionIt
' Purpose: Converts a double into a string representing a rounded fraction
' Inputs: dblNumIn As Double
' Returns: String
' Author: Arvin Meyer
' Date: June 22, 2001
' Comment: Rounds down from 1/64 over
On Error GoTo Err_FractionIt

Dim strFrac As String
Dim strSign As String
Dim strWholeNum As String
Dim dblRem As Double

If dblNumIn < 0 Then
strSign = "-"
dblNumIn = dblNumIn * -1
strSign = " "
End If

strWholeNum = Fix([dblNumIn])

dblRem = [dblNumIn] - [strWholeNum]

Select Case dblRem
Case 0
strFrac = ""
Case Is < 0.046875
strFrac = "1/32"
Case Is < 0.078125
strFrac = "1/16"
Case Is < 0.109375
strFrac = "3/32"
Case Is < 0.140625
strFrac = "1/8"
Case Is < 0.171875
strFrac = "5/32"
Case Is < 0.203125
strFrac = "3/16"
Case Is < 0.234375
strFrac = "7/32"
Case Is < 0.265625
strFrac = "1/4"
Case Is < 0.296875
strFrac = "9/32"
Case Is < 0.328125
strFrac = "5/16"
Case Is < 0.359375
strFrac = "11/32"
Case Is < 0.390625
strFrac = "3/8"
Case Is < 0.421875
strFrac = "13/32"
Case Is < 0.453125
strFrac = "7/16"
Case Is < 0.484375
strFrac = "15/32"
Case Is < 0.515625
strFrac = "1/2"
Case Is < 0.546875
strFrac = "17/32"
Case Is < 0.578125
strFrac = "9/16"
Case Is < 0.609375
strFrac = "19/32"
Case Is < 0.640625
strFrac = "5/8"
Case Is < 0.671875
strFrac = "21/32"
Case Is < 0.703125
strFrac = "11/16"
Case Is < 0.734375
strFrac = "23/32"
Case Is < 0.765625
strFrac = "3/4"
Case Is < 0.796875
strFrac = "25/32"
Case Is < 0.828125
strFrac = "13/16"
Case Is < 0.859375
strFrac = "27/32"
Case Is < 0.890625
strFrac = "7/8"
Case Is < 0.921875
strFrac = "29/32"
Case Is < 0.953125
strFrac = "15/16"
Case Is < 0.984375
strFrac = "31/32"
Case Is < 1
strFrac = "1"
End Select

If strFrac = "1" Then
FractionIt = strSign & (strWholeNum + 1)
FractionIt = strSign & strWholeNum & " " & strFrac
End If

Exit Function

Select Case Err
Case 0

Case Else
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_FractionIt
End Select

End Function


Cheryl Fischer, MVP Microsoft Access

JP said:
In ac2003 I have a field in a report that diplays 23.5625 and I need to
convert it to read 23 9/16 how do you convert from numbers to a text.
In ac2003 I have a field in a report that diplays 23.5625 and I need to convert it to read 23 9/16 how do you convert from numbers to a text.

Paste this function into a module:

Public Function DecimalToFrac(DecimalIn) As String

'Convert decimal to Fraction

Dim strWholePart As String
Dim varNumerator As Variant
Dim lngDenominator As Long
Dim intX As Integer
strWholePart = Int(DecimalIn)
intX = InStr([DecimalIn], ".")

If intX = 0 Or IsError(Mid([DecimalIn], intX + 1)) Then
DecimalToFrac = strWholePart
Exit Function
End If

varNumerator = Mid(DecimalIn, InStr(DecimalIn, ".") + 1)
lngDenominator = 1 & String(1 * Len(varNumerator), "0")

Do While lngDenominator Mod 5 = 0 And varNumerator Mod 5 = 0
varNumerator = varNumerator / 5
lngDenominator = lngDenominator / 5

Do While lngDenominator Mod 2 = 0 And varNumerator Mod 2 = 0
varNumerator = varNumerator / 2
lngDenominator = lngDenominator / 2

DecimalToFrac = strWholePart & " " & varNumerator & "/" &

End Function

Call it from a query: