I came up with a formula using ROUNDDOWN to convert a decimal time (ex:
1.25 hrs) so that the decimal will be read like you would read time
(ex: 1.25 hrs = 1.15). The formula is pretty long, especially if using
other functions or multiple cells for reference. So I have 2 questions:
1) Did I over-think this, is there an easier way, 2) Once I get the
time to read HR.MINS would there be a way to convert it to
HR:MINS...thanks Clay
1.25 hrs) so that the decimal will be read like you would read time
(ex: 1.25 hrs = 1.15). The formula is pretty long, especially if using
other functions or multiple cells for reference. So I have 2 questions:
1) Did I over-think this, is there an easier way, 2) Once I get the
time to read HR.MINS would there be a way to convert it to
HR:MINS...thanks Clay