I have a file which, at a certain point, contains 40000 bytes. I need to go
through these bytes and for each four bytes I need to create a singles
ending up with 10000 singles.
This is how I'm doing it:
For i = 0 To 39999
fsNCodeFile.Read(arrBytes, 0, 4)
sngValue = BitConverter.ToSingle(arrBytes, 0)
'do something quick with sngValue
Is there a quicker way to get these singles form the file? I know which byte
in the file to start and finish on and no other data apart from singles is
found between these points.
through these bytes and for each four bytes I need to create a singles
ending up with 10000 singles.
This is how I'm doing it:
For i = 0 To 39999
fsNCodeFile.Read(arrBytes, 0, 4)
sngValue = BitConverter.ToSingle(arrBytes, 0)
'do something quick with sngValue
Is there a quicker way to get these singles form the file? I know which byte
in the file to start and finish on and no other data apart from singles is
found between these points.