convert and upload - will this work



Hi I created a database in access 2000. It is for my friend who only has
access 97. So i did tools/database utilities/convert to 97 format.

Then to send it to my friend (who lives overseas) i have to upload it to a
server and then she can dowload it at her end.

She tried to download it but it came with the data in the tables intact but
forms and reports full of errors.

I cant even open it in 97 format to check that is correct before uploading
it because i only have 2000.

I saw an answer to someone else's problem about renaming switchboard items
and recreating switchboard so i told my friend to try that maybe thats the
problem but it didn't allow her to delete the switchboard form.

So i'm not sure where the problem lies, it could be a problem because of the
converted database or of upload.

Please can someone help me!!

I apologise if you see a similar question to this one from me, i posted it
without ticking notify me of replies and i cant seem to find it - sorry.

Douglas J Steele

It's difficult to say without knowing what the errors were, but it could be
a problem with the References collection.

Have your friend open any code module, then select Tools | References from
the menu bar. If any of the selected references have MISSING: in front of
them, write down the names, and uncheck them. Close the dialog. Then, still
with a code module open, select Compile All Modules from the Debug menu. If
there are errors along the lines of "Undefined User Type", go back into the
references and try to find the ones that were previously unchecked. If they
can't be found, perhaps you're trying to use references that aren't present
on her machine. If that's the case, report back here what the missing
references are.

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