Convert a mdb Database (accdb) to a previous version database (mdb

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I Have a big proglem.
I install the New Microsoft Office 2007, very good design.
But something I don't see...
How do I convert a database accdb to the format that can be recognize by the
ADO in Visual Basic 6, before I use the Convertion to 97 format.
But now what do I do?
Any suggestion? Any tool necessary?
I Have a big proglem.
I install the New Microsoft Office 2007, very good design.
But something I don't see...
How do I convert a database accdb to the format that can be recognize by theADOin Visual Basic 6, before I use the Convertion to 97 format.
But now what do I do?
Any suggestion? Any tool necessary?

You can use ADO in Visual Basic 6 with the accdb format, no need to
convert it. Just use the appropriate OLE DB provider, being
Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0. You can download the provider (part of 2007
Office System Driver: Data Connectivity Components) here:


Still Doesn't work
Display this error message everytime that I try to make the connection with
an DataEnvironment:
-2147217843: It is not possible to initiate the application. It lacks the
filing-cabinet of information of the work group or is opened in the exclusive
way for another user.
Need sugestion...
onedaywhen said:
You can use ADO in Visual Basic 6 with the accdb format, no need to
convert it. Just use the appropriate OLE DB provider, being
Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0. You can download the provider (part of 2007
Office System Driver: Data Connectivity Components) here:



Thanks to answer to me.
But it still doesn't work because display the same error mesage that was
displayed before when I try to make the connection with the 'Microsof Jet OLE
DB Provider' to a Access 2000 database...
-2147217843: It is not possible to initiate the application. It lacks the
filing-cabinet of information of the work group or is opened in the exclusive
way for another user.
Help needed...
Still Doesn't work
Display this error message everytime that I try to make the connection with
an DataEnvironment:
-2147217843: It is not possible to initiate the application. It lacks the
filing-cabinet of information of the work group or is opened in the exclusive
way for another user.
Need sugestion...

FWIW I did a quick test connecting to a .accdb file using the OLE DB
provider in a DataEnvironment designer in VB6 and it worked fine.
Sounds like there is a more general problem accessing the file e.g.
opened exclusively. Suggestion: if you've got it open in Access then
try closing it ;-)


onedaywhen said:
FWIW I did a quick test connecting to a .accdb file using the OLE DB
provider in a DataEnvironment designer in VB6 and it worked fine.
Sounds like there is a more general problem accessing the file e.g.
opened exclusively. Suggestion: if you've got it open in Access then
try closing it ;-)



Still doesn't work
I make the ADO connection 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' and set the Database as
source and it still making the same error!!!
No I don't have ANY database open...
I Don't know why this is happening...
Please answer myhelp
onedaywhen said:
FWIW I did a quick test connecting to a .accdb file using the OLE DB
provider in a DataEnvironment designer in VB6 and it worked fine.
Sounds like there is a more general problem accessing the file e.g.
opened exclusively. Suggestion: if you've got it open in Access then
try closing it ;-)



Hi again
You say that you make a quick connection and it work fine?
Why don't you send it to me???
(e-mail address removed)
I'll be waiting...
Still doesn't work
I make the ADO connection 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' and set the Database as
source and it still making the same error!!!

Forgetting the DataEnvironment designer for the moment, can you
establish an ADO connection to the data source?


onedaywhen said:
Forgetting the DataEnvironment designer for the moment, can you
establish an ADO connection to the data source?



No, I can't
Here is my module:

Dim adTable As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim adConect As New ADODB.Connection

Dim strConection As String

Global vbGlobalPassword As String

Public Function Begin() As Boolean

On Error GoTo Err_

strConection = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & _
"Password=yg2593abl96;" & _
"Data Source=" & App.Path & "\MyDesktop.accdb;" & _
"Persist Security Info=True"

adConect.Open strLigacaoBD
Begin = True
Exit Function


frmIniciar.txtLogin = "Error Number: " & Err.Number & ", " & _
"Error Title: " & Err.Description & "."

If Not adConect Is Nothing Then
If adConect.State = adStateOpen Then adConect.Close
End If

Set adConect = Nothing
Begin = False

End Function

Shows this error:

Error Number: -2147467259, Error Title: [Microsoft] [Manager of ODBC
controllers] the name of the origin of data was not found and no predefined
controller was not specified.
(The error was shown in portuguese, I just translate it in the Google to

I hope you help me...
Forgetting the DataEnvironment designer for the moment, can you
establish an ADO connection to the data source?

No, I can't
strConection = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & _
"Password=yg2593abl96;" & _
"Data Source=" & App.Path & "\MyDesktop.accdb;" & _
"Persist Security Info=True"

Error Number: -2147467259, Error Title: [Microsoft] [Manager of ODBC
controllers] the name of the origin of data was not found and no predefined
controller was not specified.
(The error was shown in portuguese, I just translate it in the Google to

Have your tried using the Data Links wizard thing to generate the
connection string? e.g. in code:

Public Function GetOleDbConnectionString() As String
Dim oDLink
Set oDLink = CreateObject("DataLinks")
' only way to prevent 'object not
' set' error if cancel pressed?
On Error Resume Next
GetOleDbConnectionString = oDLink.PromptNew
End Function


onedaywhen said:
Forgetting the DataEnvironment designer for the moment, can you
establish an ADO connection to the data source?

No, I can't
strConection = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & _
"Password=yg2593abl96;" & _
"Data Source=" & App.Path & "\MyDesktop.accdb;" & _
"Persist Security Info=True"

Error Number: -2147467259, Error Title: [Microsoft] [Manager of ODBC
controllers] the name of the origin of data was not found and no predefined
controller was not specified.
(The error was shown in portuguese, I just translate it in the Google to

Have your tried using the Data Links wizard thing to generate the
connection string? e.g. in code:

Public Function GetOleDbConnectionString() As String
Dim oDLink
Set oDLink = CreateObject("DataLinks")
' only way to prevent 'object not
' set' error if cancel pressed?
On Error Resume Next
GetOleDbConnectionString = oDLink.PromptNew
End Function



Hello again...
I don't mean to be boring but...
The code you send me, 'GetOleDbConnectionString()', yes is very useful, but
it returns the same error that was return before...
What I made was:
Dim adConect as ADODB.Conection
And intead of the "Provider=Microsoft.ACE...", I put
GetOleDbConnectionString, like this
On Error Goto Err_
adConect = GetOleDbConnectionString
Exit Sub
Msgbox "Numer: " & Err.Number & ", " & _
"Description: " & Err.Description
The Msgbox always returns:
Number: -2147217843, Description: It is not possible to initiate the
application. It lacks the filing-cabinet of information of the work group or
is opened in the exclusive way for another user.
(Message translated by the Google Translation Tool)
Help Please...
onedaywhen said:
A quick google search using the error *number* suggests it is a
problem of authentication e.g. the username/password is wrong. You are
aware the security model has changed for the Access 2007 engine...?



The problem now is another because the provider Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0
doesn't acept password on Databases...
Or the user is no more "Admin"???
Can I have with this provider a password security?
Please answer my Help
The problem now is another because the provider Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0
doesn't acept password on Databases...
Or the user is no more "Admin"???
Can I have with this provider a password security?
Please answer my Help