What version of Access?
For Access 2003, 2002 and some versions of 2000, you can use
Replace([MyField], " ", "").
Certain versions of Access 2000 don't allow you to use the Replace function
in queries, but there's an easy solution: create your own function that uses
Replace, and use your function instead:
Function MyReplace(InputString As Variant, ChangeFrom As String, ChangeTo As
String) As String
MyReplace = Replace(InputString & vbNullString, ChangeFrom, ChangeTo)
End Function
For any earlier versions of Access, you'll have to write your own function.
Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP
(No private e-mails, please)
Barry McConomy said:
I want to remove the spaces from text within a field, can someboby help
i.e. convert "A Large House" to "ALargeHouse"