Convert a DataTable to a Strongly Typed DataTable.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Anibal
  • Start date Start date


The following code throws me an Error, i use a method to bring a DataTable
object and i want to asigne it to a Strongly Typed DataTable, but VB doesn't
allow me.
How can i do this right? And if it couldn't be done, then wich would be an
equivalent solution.
Thank you very much.

'FoldersDataTable: Inherits from DataTable.
Dim Data As New FoldersDataTable

'BringDataTable: Retrives a DataTable object
Data = CType(BringDataTable("Select * From Folders"), FoldersDataTable)
'Error: 'InvalidCastExeption'
The following code throws me an Error, i use a method to bring a
object and i want to asigne it to a Strongly Typed DataTable, but VB
allow me.
How can i do this right? And if it couldn't be done, then wich would
be an
equivalent solution.
Thank you very much.
'FoldersDataTable: Inherits from DataTable.
Dim Data As New FoldersDataTable
'BringDataTable: Retrives a DataTable object
Data = CType(BringDataTable("Select * From Folders"),
'Error: 'InvalidCastExeption'

Right, you are trying to do an upcast essentially, which is never permissable.

You have a few options (OTTOMH):
1) Fill the super data table directly.
2) Copy the data from one to the other.

Obviously 1 will be more performant than 2 but depending on your circumstances
may not be possible.

hth, Ryan
Thanks for your answer,
In my case y can fill the strongly typed DataTable as you've suggested, but
the thing is that right now i am learning this kind of "stuff" (i mean
ADO.NET) while building my application, so i allready have set a proyect for
manipulating data, and i have set al methods in the classes of this proyect
to return DataSet and DataTable objects to use in the buisennes ruels
proyect, so I do want to follow your sugestion of filling directly the
strongly typed DataTable, but how do i arrange the hole design of the tiers.