Convert 2000 Calendar to web page


Duane Perry


When I convert my calendar for 2005 to a webpage, the page is off by 1 day.
Is there a template or fix available to fix this?



Duane Perry

I can edit the html file but this should not be the case. Fixes?
Suggestions...other than use Apple?

Duane Perry

There is a file monthhd.htm that has columns that you can edit the day of
the week. Is why more people are switching to Linux and Apple. This should
have never left the building with this error. My next computer is no going
to run Microsoft.


Thanks, Duane. I worked it out after I posted. I should have looked before I

It's easy to change but time consuming.


Hi Sue,

I wasn't sure which section to post it so I'll just give the web address. I
have modified it a little, EG the previous and next month gifs are made
bigger. The originals were ridiculously small and annoying. I added a 'Back
to forum' link which links back to my forum for the gaming club. I also
changed 'Powered by Microsoft' to 'Suppied by Games Exchange' which I feel I
had a right to do since the microsoft code was useless and I had to rewrite
the code.

It is for a non profit gaming club of which I am a member so it has all the
weekly meetings in it.

The address is

The code is easy to understand once you understand what cell, fillday,
fillday2 and bottomcell do. I made all the days background white. If I left
them alternating colours I would still be making changes.

I hope it helps a few people.

If you have any questions then email me. To email me click on 'Back to
forum' in the above calendar link. My userid is Phoenix. I am the site admin
for the forum.



Hi Rick,

Yes it's still there and will be all of 2005. I just cut and paste it to the
address bar and it worked.



You are right on about never leaving the building... whats more my contact/s
at MS tell me a fix is on the list but unlikely to be taken care of in our
Interesting about editing the html to make it work, but doesnt seem too
handy for keeping the calendar web page uptodate, or for folks not in to
editing html files.
Outlook2003 works fine for saving the calendar as a web page and the dates
with the days... not much help unless you upgrade to Outlook2003, but I
guess thats the idea, right?

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