Conversion To Acc2007 or beyond Suggestions ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gary
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I am currently still using Access 2000 for my database development. The Acc
2000 also works with no problem with Acc 2003. I have also made some minor
changes to resolve some issues with Access 2007 and it works with Access 2007.

There is a Office 2010 coming out soon and I assume the Access 2007 will
work it with very minor issues if any.

My question is when you do recommend that I convert my database from Access
2000 to Access 2007 or Access 2010 ??? I would like to delay this as long
as possible, but I also realize that I must convert it over to Access 2003,
then to Access 2007 for best results.

What do you recommend for me ???

Thanks You,

Knowing that 2010 is not out there yet my suggestion would be to convert it
to 2007. Why bothering about what might be issues in 2010? If all goes well
with 2007 the assumption will be that it works with 2010 as well. 2007 is the
current version and is being updated everytime a fix is created for issues
that have been reported. This isn't the case for 2010 yet besides the
findings of the various betatesters.

So my suggestion: go for 2007 and when the time is right go for 2010.