conversion software

  • Thread starter Thread starter me
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hey all.

once again thanks on the pdf tool and recovery suggestions.

got another request. does anyone know a good, free, tool for converting
powerpoint presentations into flash files so i can send them to people who
dont have power-point?
me said:
got another request. does anyone know a good, free, tool for
converting powerpoint presentations into flash files so i can send
them to people who dont have power-point? Impress.
MAMEngineer said: Impress.


thanks for the info so far.

why im hoping to do this is that i want to be able to just burn the single
file to cd and have them click on it to run it without having anything else
open up.

powerpoint viewer might let me do it.

but id prefer it just as a single file so no problems with installing stuff.
me said:
why im hoping to do this is that i want to be able to just burn the
single file to cd and have them click on it to run it without having
anything else open up. Impress will allow you to save PowerPoint presentations as
flash files.
powerpoint viewer might let me do it.

Not without a lot of work and planning. A whole lot. I used to do it that
way. You need to setup a cd with autorun, folders, dlls in the right place,
etc... not worth the effort, really.
ok. ive seen the open-office suite. is impress part of it? i dont remember
seeing it listed.
ok. ive seen the open-office suite. is impress part of it?
Yes, it is.

yeh its listed under presentation. silly me.

ok i installed OO on a pc.

yes it saved it as a flash file but it wouldnt advance according to timings
or play the embedded audio track.

these are a must for the project to work.

I'll see what i can find.

thanks for all your help though. even if it only eliminates candidates.

try ppcd.

it sets up an autorun cd that includes the powerpoint viewer and the

save your presentation as a file called SHOW.pps

then copy to the pps directory in the ppcd shell.

burn the contents of the ppcd directory shell to cd and it installs the
viewer then runs the show.

exactly as you want it providing you made sure it doesnt rename any sound
files to other names. (this is something it does.)

totally cool program.
Cool! But the link you provided doesn't seem to go anywhere!! Hmmmm,
am I missing some thing? :)
I'm running PP 2003. It has a File action called "Package for CD".
The help file says "The Package for CD feature in Microsoft Office
PowerPoint 2003 allows you to copy one or more presentations along
with supporting files onto a CD. The Microsoft Office PowerPoint
Viewer is included by default on the CD and will run the packaged
presentations on another computer even if PowerPoint is not


ok, as the original poster i apologize. there wasnt a link included in
the post as i couldnt remember the url. i downloaded like 20 tools and
1 worked. thanks for the link to it john.

dont know why but outlook express on my pc isnt showing this thread
even though it shows the original one. any ideas?